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React vs Angular

  • Swetha Y
  • Aug 29, 2019
  • 0 comment(s)


React v/s Angular- Development Frameworks


Out of all the front end development frameworks, the two frameworks stand top are React and Angular. In this blog, we will discuss the pro/cons of using these frameworks in the development process. We shall look into characteristics that separate them from each other.


The main reason why we are concentrating on the comparison of Angular and React is that they both come from two solid competitors – Google and Facebook.


The basics of React and Angular:-


ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library introduced by Facebook to build dynamic user interfaces. It is based on JavaScript and JSX (a PHP extension) and is considered widely for developing reusable HTML elements for front-end development.

Angular is an open-source front-end development framework powered by Google. It is a part of MEAN stack and is compatible with a large number of code editors and is considered for creating dynamic websites and web apps.





Support From



Programming Language




Component Based

Component Based


Virtual DOM

Real DOM


Client/Server Side

Client/Server Side


Data Binding








Benefits of React:


 1)    Better User Experience:


React uses the Virtual DOM – the abstract form of Real DOM. Virtual DOM makes it easier for the React app developers to update changes performed by the users in the application without affecting the other parts of the interface.


2) Time-Saving:


Developers can reuse the react code components at distinct levels at any point in time.

The react components are isolated/independent of each other and changes in one component does not affect the other, which makes it easier to manage the updates and future updates.

This makes the React app development easier, time-saving, and efficient for developers.


3) Quick Development:


React allows the developers to reuse the existing code and apply hot reloading into the process. This approach not only improves app performance but also accelerates the development speed.


4)   Faster Testing:


React extensively uses Redux which solves the problem of storing and managing component states in large-sized and complex applications with enormous dynamic elements.


It helps the developers to add application state in every object and empower every component of the app to access the application state without involving child components or using callback. This makes it easier to test the application and log data changes, along with the use of hot reloading and other such tools.


 5)   Unidirectional data binding:

Developers work directly with the components and employ downward data binding to ensure that the parent entities do not get affected by the changes of child entities. This approach makes the code stable and supports the idea of development in the future.



Benefits of Angular:


1)   Code Maintainability:


Angular uses TypeScript programming language, which is a superset of JavaScript. It compiles JavaScript, but also ease the process of finding and eliminating the common issues while typing the code.


This approach helps the developers in writing cleaner and error-free codes and ensure high code quality, something that is really helpful when investing in Enterprise app development.


2)   High Performance:


Angular has a hierarchial dependency injection, much better than that of AngularJS, in which classes are not dependent on each other. They rather turn towards the external sources, which delivers higher performance to the Angular mobile applications.


3)   Material Design:


Angular offers material design components across navigation elements, form controls, pop-ups, layouts, and data tables. This helps the mobile app developers to overcome Google Material Design’s impact on Mobile app design and design a digital product that users need in the long run.


4)   Error Handling:


The latest version of Angular offers features like an upgraded error handling process for @Output in the scenarios where a property is not initialized.


5)   Angular CLI (Command Line Interface):


Angular CLI is easy to install and use, user-friendly, offers innovative testing tools and simpler commands and is supported by various engineers and platforms, which make it possible to update even those components having a third-party dependency.













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